Our Property Management Services


  1. Accounts Receivable.
    1. Provide coupon books for monthly charges (additional fee).
    2. Generate late notices and late fees.
  2. Accounts Payable.
    1. Pay bills in a timely manner in order to take advantage of discounts, avoid late fees, and maintain good relationship with contractors and vendors.
    2. Audit utility bills for rate classification, billing and meter-usage inaccuracies.
  3. Bank Account Maintenance.


  1. Prepare Annual Budget.
  2. Prepare Reserve for Replacement Schedule.
  3. Prepare monthly Financial Statements, including balance sheet, accounts receivable report, accounts payable report, income statement for each fund, and year to date general ledger.
  4. Compile Financial Statements and applicable work papers for use by independent CPA in preparation of Annual Financial Statements and Tax Return.
  5. Complete 1099 reporting.

Conduct Meetings:

  1. Provide meeting packages which include an agenda, meeting notices, Financial Statements, inspection reports, telephone log, pertinent correspondence, legal status and meeting minutes for:
    1. Board of Managers' Meetings.
    2. Unit Owners' Meeting.

Contract for / Maintain Service Agreements:

  1. Obtain quotes for contract services as required.
  2. Review all contracts thoroughly and monitor the quality of all service contractors.
  3. Maintain certificate of insurance for all vendors.

Property Inspections:

  1. Conduct inspections of the property at a frequency agreed to with the Board/Owner. Inspections are to include reviewing necessary repairs, and contractor performance.


  1. Address violations of the Association's legal documents (including Rules & Regulations).
  2. Provide correspondence between Board of Managers/Unit Owners or Owners/Tenants.
  3. Maintain Book of Mortgagees and other applicable Unit Owner information.

Compliance with Declaration & By-Laws:

  1. Assist the Board in interpreting and complying with the Association's legal documents.

Repairs & Maintenance:

  1. 24 hour emergency assistance
  2. Regular and emergency maintenance provided to the common area at cost

Additional Services:

  1. Property Tax Consultation - assist in appealing assessed values.
  2. Amending Legal Documents - assist BOM and attorneys if amendment is necessary.
  3. Insurance Claims - processing insurance claims.
  4. Class Action Lawsuits - participate in those that will benefit the Association.
  5. Budgets and related certification for the Attorney General's office.